The router sends the initial request, and simply waits for a well-formed answer from the Radius/TACACS server. There isare no active "keepalive" style checks, ithealth checks; the router doesn't ping the server, etc and look at response-times or anything like that.
What the router does next, depends on your configured criteria. In general, once the timeout expires (default is 5 seconds), or if a malformed response is received, the router will try the secondary server or fail down to the next configured authentication method.
Radius, unlike TACACS, can also mark a server as "dead" and cease to try authentications against it for a preconfigured amount of time.
See the following settings to tweak this behavior:
Timeout Configuration:
TEST-1861(config)#tacacs-server timeout ?
<1-1000> Wait time (default 5 seconds)
TEST-1861(config)#radius-server timeout ?
<1-1000> Wait time (default 5 seconds)
Radius Dead-timer configuration:
TEST-1861(config)#radius-server deadtime ?
<1-1440> time in minutes
TEST-1861(config)#radius-server dead-criteria ?
time The time during which no properly formed
response must be recieved from the RADIUS server
tries The number of times the router must fail
to receive a response from the radius server
to mark it as dead
TEST-1861(config)#radius-server dead-criteria time ?
<1-120> Time in seconds during which no response must
be received from the RADIUS server in order to consider it dead
TEST-1861(config)#radius-server dead-criteria tries ?
<1-100> Number of transmits to radius server without
responses before marking server as dead