I typed in this command:

 ipv6 access-list NO-SERVER-ACCESS
  permit ipv6 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 80
  permit ipv6 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 443
  permit ipv6 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 139
  permit ipv6 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 445

and got those error messages:

enter image description here

Could the reason be, that the emulated IOS in Packet Tracer doesn't know this command configured that way, because it's not up-to-date?

1 Answer 1


If you want to include tcp/udp ports in your acl, you need to define the it a such in your rules, using "ipv6" would denote any ipv6 traffic. It should look more like this.

ipv6 access-list NO-SERVER-ACCESS permit tcp 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 80 permit tcp 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 443 permit tcp 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 139 permit tcp 2001:db8:18::/48 host 2001:db8:18:6600::0010 eq 445 exit

  • It works know... (the reason may be that I removed the first "deny ipv6 any any" - Statement, but it works know!
    – watchme
    Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 21:22

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