I am configuring vPC
end to end till my server to get more bandwidth, and following is my scenario
I am seeing one strange thing which is i configured vPC on N3k switch and then i configured my Linux server for link aggregation 802.3ad
bonding and then i restart server so far all good, i can see correct bonding configuration in /proc/net/bonding/bind0
and my server also started ping but i found i got packet loss in ping, later i found on switch its showing vpc
is down but wondering how i am getting ping?
N3k# show vpc 1
vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
-- ---- ------ ----------- ------ ------------
134 Po1 down* success success -
Later i did shut
& no shut
on Port-Channel 1
and that immediately bring up vpc
N3k# show vpc 1
vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
-- ---- ------ ----------- ------ ------------
131 Po1 up success success 10,20,30
My VPC domain config
vpc domain 204
role priority 10
peer-keepalive destination source
ip arp synchronize
This is my vPC config
interface Ethernet1/1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30
spanning-tree port type edge trunk
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
speed 10000
channel-group 1 mode active
interface port-channel1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30
speed 10000
vpc 1
This is my Linux server config
BONDING_OPTS="mode=4 miimon=500 downdelay=1000 lacp_rate=1"
- How does server pinging even if
is down on switch? - Why do i need to
shut/no shut
vpc to bring it up vpc? is this normal? - I installed 30 servers on same vpc cluster and all had same issue, every time i have to go to switch and need to do port-channel
shut/no shut
- Am i missing something here?
Update - 1
For testing i reboot server and found server is up but switch vpc is down and on switch i am seeing following logs, This is strange issue.
sw1# show logging | grep "Ethernet1/37"
2018 Jul 9 14:28:13 sw1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_INITIALIZING: Interface Ethernet1/37 is down (Initializing)
2018 Jul 9 14:28:13 sw1 %ETH_PORT_CHANNEL-5-PORT_INDIVIDUAL_DOWN: individual port Ethernet1/37 is down
2018 Jul 9 14:28:15 sw1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_INITIALIZING: Interface Ethernet1/37 is down (Initializing)
2018 Jul 9 14:28:18 sw1 %ETHPORT-5-SPEED: Interface Ethernet1/37, operational speed changed to 10 Gbps
2018 Jul 9 14:28:18 sw1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_DUPLEX: Interface Ethernet1/37, operational duplex mode changed to Full
2018 Jul 9 14:28:18 sw1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_RX_FLOW_CONTROL: Interface Ethernet1/37, operational Receive Flow Control state changed to off
2018 Jul 9 14:28:18 sw1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_TX_FLOW_CONTROL: Interface Ethernet1/37, operational Transmit Flow Control state changed to off
2018 Jul 9 14:28:28 sw1 %ETH_PORT_CHANNEL-4-PORT_INDIVIDUAL: port Ethernet1/37 is operationally individual
2018 Jul 9 14:28:28 sw1 %ETHPORT-5-IF_UP: Interface Ethernet1/37 is up in mode trunk
Server side i am seeing following error
[root@Linux ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Jul 9 10:45:47 s_sys@linux kernel: : [ 321.299960] bond0: Warning: No 802.3ad response from the link partner for any adapters in the bond
Jul 9 10:46:11 s_sys@linux kernel: : [ 345.300288] bond0: Warning: No 802.3ad response from the link partner for any adapters in the bond
Linux server side i am seeing following
[root@Linux ~]# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)
Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: layer2 (0)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 500
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 1000
802.3ad info
LACP rate: fast
Min links: 0
Aggregator selection policy (ad_select): stable
System priority: 65535
System MAC address: 6c:3b:e5:b0:7a:40
Active Aggregator Info:
Aggregator ID: 2
Number of ports: 2
Actor Key: 13
Partner Key: 32883
Partner Mac Address: 00:23:04:ee:be:cc
option shuts the bond.bpduguard
and try will update you result soonDynamic link aggregation
so does that means auto right? as soon as i setchannel-group 1 mode on
it brought upvpc
but server not pingingswitchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30
but on server side i only configuredVLAN 10,20
it was the issue, look like LACP negotiating VLAN also, How to stop VLAN negotiation on LACP, reason we set multiple VLAN on trunk so it will allow us to setup server dynamically and we don't need to go to every switch and adjust VLAN, Anyone know how to make it work?