I am pretty new in Networking (noob), while I was monitoring my network using Wireshark, and I found that there is a lot of broadcasts happening all over the network, broadcast on Local network usually MDNS, NBNS, ARP (Gratitious), UDP[x.x.x.255], UDP[].
I wonder whether these broadcast are the reason users facing dips in bandwidth
? And How I can mitigate it? Can these broadcast be responsible for packet drops?
Also I do not understand user systems are generating ARP broadcast? Doesn't my router should do the same?
Network Topology: We have a simple network consist of a switch (Cisco) which is between the gateway and rest of the Access Points (Ubiquiti) where access points are in Mesh Configuration. Rest of the users are connected an Access Point via WiFi.
Using Ethernet wire CAT-6 (between Router-Switch and Switch-Access_point),
User Count: 50
Wifi freqency: 2.4/5GHz
ISP Bandwidth: 150 MBps (Aggregated)