We need to extend a specific device directly connected to the core network to an existing L2VPN with an MPLS xconnect L2VPN.
But we encounter a problem. Indeed, one side recquire sub interface and VLAN tagging because we have many services (other L2VPN, IPv4 peering, IPv6 peering, ...) and the other side to put directly the interface into the VPN because the CPE cannot perform 802.1Q (vlan tagging).
We try to use "rewrite ingress tag push X symmetric" into the PE but it's not working.
How can we perform this ?
The device on the side with tagged interface is a Juniper MX and the device in the side with the untagged interface is a Cisco ASR.
Edit :
Added Configurations
Juniper Side (IP :
unit X {
description "L2VPN";
encapsulation vlan-ccc;
vlan-id 42;
neighbor {
interface INT.42 {
virtual-circuit-id 42;
encapsulation-type ethernet-vlan;
Cisco side (IP
interface INT.42 l2transport
encapsulation untagged
rewrite ingress tag push dot1q 42 symmetric
p2p to_2.2.2.2
interface INT.42
neighbor ipv4 pw-id 42
pw-class L2VPN
pw-class L2VPN
encapsulation mpls
transport-mode vlan