How can I configured MPLS-TE FRR on IOS using tunnels with dynamic paths (Is this even possible, I think it might be IOS-XR only)?
In this topology I have a full mesh of MPLE-TE tunnels configured. Below is the R1 configuration but all nodes are the same just with the IPs changed.
I want to test FRR between R1 and R3. Under Tunnel3 on R1 (and Tunnel1 on R3) I have one dynamic path configured (I'd like to follow the IGP in this example). Looking over Cisco documentation for MPLS-TE FRR at lesat one explicit path seems to be in all examples I can find. If I add a 2nd path to the tunnel interface on each router (R1-Tu3 and R3-Tu1) that is also configured as dynamic
can I use FRR, and how?
I don't know how to configure FRR without an explicit path (only theorise how it might work but my mental hypothesis seems sup-optimal - which is why I'm not sure its even achievable).
mpls traffic-end tunnels
interface Loopback0
ip address
ip ospf 1 area 0
interface Tunnel2
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
tunnel destination
tunnel mpls traffic-eng autoroute announce
tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 1 dynamic
tunnel mpls traffic-eng fast-reroute
interface Tunnel3
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
tunnel destination
tunnel mpls traffic-eng autoroute announce
tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 1 dynamic
tunnel mpls traffic-eng fast-reroute
interface Tunnel4
ip unnumbered Loopback0
tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
tunnel destination
tunnel mpls traffic-eng autoroute announce
tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 1 dynamic
tunnel mpls traffic-eng fast-reroute
interface FastEthernet0/0
ip address
ip ospf 1 area 0
mpls traffic-eng tunnels
interface FastEthernet0/1
ip address
ip ospf 1 area 0
mpls traffic-eng tunnels
router ospf 1
mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
mpls traffic-eng area 0