I've done large scale wireless deployments and while that figure that you were provided is completely not out of the ballpark for 2 AP's and labor, you (and your superiors) need to ask if you have the time (which often equates to MONEY) to spend learning how to setup and install these AP's.
I remember back when I first learning how to deploy wireless networks, design considerations were much different than traditional ethernet network and I myself had several stumbling blocks along the way. I would suggest showing these comments/responses from everyone here and then discuss the pros/cons of such a deployment by yourself or by an outside vendor.
Some of the pros of doing it yourself:
1: Less money up front (as you don't have to pay a consultant)
2: You gain some knowledge that you didn't already have!
Some of the cons of doing it yourself:
1: Longer deployment (which does equal money as you have to spend time away from other tasks)
2: Security issues with the final deployment could potentially cause Layer 2 breaches out in the parking lot of your building if your not careful
Some of the pros of hiring a consultant:
1: You get to spend your time on your projects
2: The wireless project will most likely get done in a day or less given the amount of AP's to be installed
3: The wireless network (should be) will be as secure as your wired network
Some of the cons of hiring a consultant:
1: Cost!
2: They often setup and run with very little knowledge transfer (not all do this I know...)
Often you will find that it is easier to bring someone in to install these systems in less time than yourself, but I would make sure that in the contract that they provide some form of knowledge transfer on how to not only access the wireless network but how to administer it on a basic level.