Consider the following scenario:
I have 2 PC's (PC1 and PC2) that wants to transmit at the same time to PC3 in a full duplex ethernet switch. Let's consider that all ports are in the same VLAN, so what happens internally in the switch? Who transmits first to PC3?
I have read before that CSMA/CD was used, but only it was used in earlier Ethernet versions that operated in half-duplex, and each port of the switch was a collision domain and if 2 machines attempted to transmit at the same time, an algorithm was executed to give a random time to each computer to transmit and solve the collisions problem. However, in a full duplex switch I read that the possibility of a collision is eliminated so, if 2 PCs attempt to transmit at the same time, what happens internally in the switch? Does the switch execute an algorithm to choose who transmit first?