So I have done a little reading around PaGP silent mode, and I don't understand why it exists. My understanding is from:
The silent mode is used when the switch is connected to a device that is not PAgP-capable and seldom, if ever, sends packets. An example of a silent partner is a file server or a packet analyzer that is not generating traffic. In this case, running PAgP on a physical port connected to a silent partner prevents that switch port from ever becoming operational; however, the silent setting allows PAgP to operate, to attach the interface to a channel group, and to use the interface for transmission.
If you know the partner device is never going to negotiate why not just force the channel with no negotiation protocol (neither PaGP or LACP) and just set it to on?
Also I tried to test this with the following:
Switch 1 Switch 2 Results
auto (silent) auto (silent) ports suspended
auto (silent) on sw1 ports suspended
des (silent) on sw1 ports suspended
Am I fundamentally missing something here?