I have a lab setup where I'm trying to use SCP via SNMP to a cisco router.I found some online documentation such as: http://ccie20728.wordpress.com/2008/05/20/get-the-cisco-configuration-over-snmp/
Here's my high level setup. On router:
R1(config)# username cisco password cisco
R1(config)# ip domain-name somedomain.com
R1(config)# crypto key generate rsa general-keys modulus 1024
R1(config)# aaa new-model
R1(config)# aaa authentication login cisco local
R1(config)# aaa authorization exec cisco local
R1(config)# ip scp server enable
R1(config)# line vty 0
R1(config)# login authentication cisco
R1(config)# snmp-server community cisco RW
In order to get the router to act as the SCP server, need to enable with above cmd. On a ubuntu server, I have openSSH installed/running and doing this cmds:
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> i 4
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> i 4
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> i 1
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> a <svr ip addr>
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> s cisco.txt
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> s cisco
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> s cisco
snmpset -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr> i 1
Then to check what the status is, I do a snmpget and/or snmpwalk via:
snmpwalk -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr>
when I run this, I get the integer (2), which means it's running, then it goes to integer (4), which means it failed.
Then I check the reason for failure:
snmpwalk -c cisco -v 2c <router ip addr>
and I get the integer (2), which means "badfilename".
So I've tried different permutations of a filename for ".6.111 string" above, including different file extensions, with and without hypens, same file name as running config cmds, even specified absolute path file name but none seem to work.
I've tried debugging the sshd
with various logging levels and getting no output from the saved/stored syslog file.
Has anyone been able to get this to work?