I have stacked 2960X switches trunked to a single ASA 5515X in routed mode, and I've captured the drops with capture voip type asp-drop l2_acl
after seeing the l2_acl counter incrementing in show asp drop
Does the ASA support spanning-tree in routed mode? Should spanning-tree be disabled on the port-channel on the switch going to the firewall? Should I add bpdu rootguard to be safe? I either want the ASA to handle/ignore the BPDUs silently from the 2960X's or stop the switches from sending them, but add some loop protection.
ASA asp drop capture -- first three packets shown matching BPDU MAC:
1: 23:54:32.662502 5ca4.8a10.5e31 0100.0ccc.cccd 0x8100 Length: 68 802.1Q vlan#11 P7 802.3 encap packet Drop-reason: (l2_acl) FP L2 rule drop 2: 23:54:32.662715 5ca4.8a10.5e31 0100.0ccc.cccd 0x8100 Length: 68 802.1Q vlan#120 P7 802.3 encap packet Drop-reason: (l2_acl) FP L2 rule drop 3: 23:54:33.665386 5ca4.8a10.5e31 0100.0ccc.cccd 0x8100 Length: 68 802.1Q vlan#10 P7 802.3 encap packet Drop-reason: (l2_acl) FP L2 rule drop 4: 23:54:33.666087 5ca4.8a10.5e31 0100.0ccc.cccd 0x8100 Length: 68 802.1Q vlan#910 P7 802.3 encap packet Drop-reason: (l2_acl) FP L2 rule drop
Switchport relevant interface config:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49 switchport access vlan 99 switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10-99,120,910,911 switchport mode trunk ip arp inspection trust logging event trunk-status logging event bundle-status logging event spanning-tree queue-set 2 priority-queue out mls qos trust cos no lldp transmit no lldp receive channel-protocol lacp channel-group 10 mode active ip dhcp snooping trust ... [other phy int not shown] ... interface Port-channel10 description in.fw-kop-105-1 switchport access vlan 99 switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10-99,120,910,911 switchport mode trunk ip arp inspection trust spanning-tree portfast trunk ip dhcp snooping trust
ASA relevant interface config:
interface GigabitEthernet0/2 description g1-0-49.s-kop-105-1 channel-group 10 mode active no nameif no security-level no ip address ! interface GigabitEthernet0/3 description g2-0-49.s-kop-105-2 channel-group 10 mode active no nameif no security-level no ip address ! interface Port-channel10 description gec10.s-kop-105-s1 no nameif no security-level no ip address ! interface Port-channel10.10 vlan 10 nameif Inside-am.data security-level 100 ip address 10.x.1.1 ... [remaining subint's not shown] ...