I have a Cisco ASR-9001 router running IOS-XR version 4.2.3 and its interface Gi0/0/0/5.1 has following service-policy
applied in ingress direction:
policy-map bw-cir-50Mbps
class class-default
police rate 50 mbps burst 937500 bytes
exceed-action drop
Now if I execute the sh policy-map interface Gi0/0/0/5.1 input
command I can see that that the policer has dropped 26472
packets and 37176528
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:r1#sh policy-map interface Gi0/0/0/5.1 input | i dropped
Policed and dropped : 26472/37176528
Now if I search through the whole SNMP OID tree of SNMP agent in r1 router, I receive following results:
$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c public r1 iso | grep -E "26472|37176528"
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter32: 26472
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter64: 26472
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter32: 37176528
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter64: 37176528
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter32: 26472
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter64: 26472
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter32: 37176528
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Counter64: 37176528
As seen above, there are two "sections", i.e. CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt.166.1.15
(cbQosClassMapStats) and CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt.166.1.17
(cbQosPoliceStats). What is the difference between the two? Under which circumstances cbQosClassMapStats differs from cbQosPoliceStats?