We are about to implement PVLANs into our environment however I had a couple of questions for anyone who has production experience with them.
The network will be set up as follows:
Hosts Hosts
| |
SW1 (N) SW2 (S)
\ /
SW3 (Core SW)
My question is which VLAN would the IP address go on? The primary? If so, all the other switches have the same primary VLAN but separate IP addresses, would that not create a conflict?
Thanks for the help guys!
Here is an idea of my current config:
PVLAN config for 11 N 3560x
conf t
vtp mode transparent
feature private-vlan
vlan 2
private-vlan primary
vlan 3
private-vlan isolated
vlan 2
private-vlan associated add 3
int gi0/1 - gi0/23
switchport mode private-vlan host
switchport private-vlan host-association 2 3
spanning-tree portfast
int gi0/24
description to core switch
switchport mode private-vlan promiscuous
switchport private-vlan mapping 2 add 3
spanning-tree portfast
show vlan primary
show int gi0/1 - gi0/23 switch | beg private
PVLAN config for 11 S 3560x
conf t
vtp mode transparent
feature private-vlan
vlan 2
private-vlan primary
vlan 5
private-vlan isolated
vlan 2
private-vlan associated add 5
int gi0/1 - gi0/23
switchport mode private-vlan host
switchport private-vlan host-association 2 5
spanning-tree portfast
int gi0/24
description to core switch
switchport mode private-valn promiscuous
switchport private-vlan mapping 2 add 5
spanning-tree portfast
show vlan primary
PVLAN config for core switch
conf t
vtp mode transparent
feature private-vlan
vlan 2
private-vlan primary
vlan 7
private-vlan isolated
vlan 2
private-vlan associated add 7
int gi0/1 - gi0/23
switchport mode private-vlan host
switchport private-vlan host-association 2 7
spanning-tree portfast
int gi0/24
description to fortinet
switchport mode private-valn promiscuous
switchport private-vlan mapping 2 add 7
spanning-tree portfast
show vlan primary
show vlan private-vlan type
Configuring trunk ports one device not aware of pvlan
int gi0/24
switchport mode private-vlan trunk secondary
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan 3
switchport private-vlan trunk allowed 3, 7
switchport private-vlan association trunk 2 3 #primary, secondary
show int gi0/24 switchport
Configuring trunk ports both devices aware of pvlan
int gi0/24
switchport mode private-vlan trunk promiscuous
switchport private-vlan trunk native vlan 3
switchport private-vlan trunk allowed vlan 3, 7 #core switch vlan
switchport private-vlan mapping trunk 2 add 3, 7