All my computers (+ NAS, etc) are connected to a gigabit switch and they all have gigabit ethernet controllers.

The switch is connected to a Cisco RV110W router (10/100) which also serves as DHCP server, firewall and gateway to internet.

If I switch to a gigabit Cisco RV130W router will I see an increase in transfer speeds between computers?

1 Answer 1


No. When you are transferring data between computers on your local LAN that data is only traversing the gig E switch you speak of and doesn't touch the router.

  • 2
    Unless the computers are on different subnets or vlans. Commented Aug 18, 2015 at 12:02
  • They are all on the same subnet.
    – user17321
    Commented Aug 18, 2015 at 12:09

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