Can we send raw IP packets over UDP?
What are raw IP Packets?
UDP is a connectionless and unreliable protocol, is it?
Can we send raw IP packets over UDP?
What are raw IP Packets?
UDP is a connectionless and unreliable protocol, is it?
IP packets are layer 3. UDP is layer 4. That means that UDP packets are encapsulated inside IP packets, not the other way around.
Now, it is possible to tunnel IP packets, in which case you would have IP inside UDP inside another IP, but that is a special case. For learning about the protocols, you can ignore that for now
Yes you can. The question is what computer language do you intend on using? There are traditional server-side languages such as Python as well as client side languages such as JavaScript. There's also linux bash commands (available on Windows via cygwin).
sendip -p ipv4 -is -p udp -us 5070 -ud 5060 -d "Hello" -v