I am studying hard for my 100-101 ICND1 exam, and a big part of that effort is using GNS3 to mock up lab scenarios so I can get my hands dirty configuring routers and switches* manually.
One thing I'm finding a lack of is good lab scenarios to use. I did find this PDF, and it appears to be part of a larger manual for the Cisco Network Academy: Lab 9.6.1: Basic EIGRP Configuration Lab. This is exactly the type of thing I am looking for, and I was hoping someone would recognize it and tell me what the exact title is and if it is generally available for purchase without having to enroll. I am more than willing to pay for this resource, but the Cisco Network Academy site is less than obvious about what I have to do in order to get access to just the book.
I am aware of the common misconception that GNS3 can't emulate L2 switches. I was of that same view until recently, when the GNS3 support folks told me about IOU. I can now simultaneously run router devices and switch devices in GNS3 and practice all my R/S config skills in a native environment.