i have a CAT2960 switch from which i am polling mac address tables the cable from the ethernet socket to the switch is placed in port 24, and i have 2 more pc ethernet cables in port 3 and port 7. when i use the command
[sosytee@20090886~]$ snmpbulkwalk -v 2c -c public@1 -OXsq \ .
I get so many different mac addresses for port 24, here is an extract of what i get
dot1dTpFdbPort[0:6:53:fe:39:e0] 24
dot1dTpFdbPort[0:1d:a1:cd:53:46] 24
dot1dTpFdbPort[0:30:1b:bc:a7:d7] 3
dot1dTpFdbPort[0:80:c8:0:0:0] 7
dot1dTpFdbPort[38:ea:a7:6d:2e:8e] 24
dot1dTpFdbPort[80:ee:73:2f:b:40] 24
I would want to know how i should interpret this because i was assuming each port presents one mac address. Or is it that the switch has many mac addresses.