I have tried without success to capture to NVRAM on a Dell 2024. Here's what I have tried:

monitor capture file size 512
monitor capture mode file

monitor capture start

<generate traffic ...>

monitor capture stop

copy flash://cpuPktCapture.pcap scp://<user>@<ip>/home/pi/cpuPktCapture.pcap

All the monitor commands execute without an error. The copy command generates:

ERROR: File cpuPktCapture.pcap not exist!

During capturing, show monitor capture shows:

g05hsw01#show monitor capture

Operational Status............................. Enabled
Current Capturing Type......................... File
Capturing Traffic Mode......................... Tx/Rx
Line Wrap Mode................................. Disabled
RPCAP Listening Port........................... 2002
RPCAP dump file size (KB)...................... 512

What am I doing wrong?

Related question: is there a way to get a listing of the files in the switch's file system?

  • 1
    "is there a way to get a listing of the files in the switch's file system?" As a wild guess, did you try dir?
    – Ron Maupin
    Jun 18, 2016 at 9:23
  • Good God. Yes. That works. And there is a file called 'cpu-pkt-capture.pcap', which is not what it's called in the manual. FYI I cannot find a single instance of the word 'dir' in the entire 2300 page N2024 CLI reference guide. I have now been able to copy the capture file, which was saved but in different name to the one specified in the manual. Thank you!
    – FatalFlaw
    Jun 18, 2016 at 9:33
  • I added it as an answer so that you can accept it, so that the question doesn't keep popping up, looking for an answer, forever.
    – Ron Maupin
    Jun 18, 2016 at 9:36

1 Answer 1


Trying dir seems to have solved your problem, showing you the real file name.

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