Sorry in advance for such a noob set of questions.
I understand that when set with the task of sending a packet to its destination, a computer first checks that the IP address of the destination is on the same network by its mask and IP address. I know that when a computer needs the MAC address, it broadcasts an ARP requests to all nodes on that broadcast domain.
How does this work for external networks? For example, let's say that I want to navigate to, and my browser goes through with all the DNS queries and fetches the IP Address. I am guessing because of Ethernet, my computer sends an IP packet with the source as myself and the destination as Google's IP address, then wraps that in a layer 2 frame with the default gateway as the destination MAC. Does the router/default gateway strip the layer 2 frame and send that up to its default gateway over PPPoA (this is my situation), or does it then replace that frame with its own source MAC and the destination MAC as its default gateway?
Having trouble finding answers and would really love some help.