I'm trying to set up a IPSec VPN connection between a Cisco ASA and a Mikrotik router (which is behind a Fritzbox in DMZ mode). I think everything is set up correctly except for that NAT-T is missing on the Cisco.

On a Mikrotik you can enable NAT-T per peer, but on the Cisco it's globally. Does enabling NAT-T there break other active tunnels? Or is it just a detection mechanism if IPSec needs to traverse NAT / DMZ devices?

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    Commented Aug 9, 2017 at 18:09

3 Answers 3


NAT Traversal performs two tasks:

  1. Detects if both ends support NAT-T
  2. Detects NAT devices along the transmission path (NAT-Discovery)

If NAT-T is enabled and client is behind NAT, then NAT-T is used

no NAT exists, then Native IPsec (ESP) is used

So not gonna affect your current tunnels.


Enabling NAT-Traversal on a Cisco Router/Firewall simply enables the detection of NAT devices in path (if the other side also supports and has NAT-T enabled).

It will not change or affect other tunnels to turn it on. If they were able to build before (with NAT-T disabled), then there was no NAT device in path, and NAT-T would detect that and cause no changes to the negotiation and tunnel transport.

To learn more, I wrote about NAT-T in this post.


Although enabling nat-t is global command but you can disable NAT-T on a per VPN basis, on crypto map entry:

EX: crypto map outside_map 5 set nat-t-disable

but anyway enabling nat-t is not going to impact your other tunnels at all.

NAT-T functionality will allow the ASA to detect devices behind a NAT and will use UDP port 4500 instead of UDP 500.

The current peers that are not behind a nat device will just work as usual with UDP port 500.

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