I was reading "Computer Networking; A Top-Down Approach" by "Kurose Ross" that I bumped in a question. Consider a 2 Link Network with a router as the following picture:
by definition:
The instantaneous throughput at any instant of time is the rate (in bits/sec) at which Host B is receiving the file
the average throughput of the file transfer is F/T bits/sec.
Consider we have file with size XL in which X is the number of packets and L is the size of packet. So as we see in the picture, there is Rs bits/sec Link bottleneck, so (X-1) packets will be transferred to client after the first packet gets to the router. the first packet needs L/Rs seconds to get to the router. It means transferring the whole file needed XL/Rc + L/Rs seconds, Which by definition gives the following throughput:
but in book, the answer of the same question is:
Having determined the throughput, we can now approximate the time it takes to transfer a large file of F bits from server to client as F/min{Rs, Rc}. For a specific example, suppose you are downloading an MP3 file of F = 32 million bits, the server has a transmission rate of Rs = 2 Mbps, and you have an access link of Rc = 1 Mbps. The time needed to transfer the file is then 32 seconds.
I can not understand why the book doesn't care about the last packet. What is the reason?