The send
command is used to send messages between users logged into the same router.
- To send messages to one or all terminal lines, use the send EXEC command.
send {line-number | * | aux number | console number | tty number | vty number}
Syntax Description

No messages are sent.
Command Modes
Command History

Usage Guidelines
After entering this command, the system prompts for the message to be
sent, which can be up to 500 characters long. Enter Ctrl-Z to end
the message. Enter Ctrl-C to abort this command.
Caution: Be aware that in some circumstances text sent using the send command may be interpreted as an executable command by the receiving device. For example, if the receiving device is Unix
workstation, and the receiving device is in a state (shell) where
commands can be executed, the incoming text (if a valid Unix command)
will be interpreted as a command. For this reason you should limit
your use of any unmonitored connection to a router that uses an
interactive shell.
The following example sends a message to all lines:
2509# send *
Enter message, end with CTRL/Z; abort with CTRL/C:
The system 2509 will be shut down in 10 minutes for repairs.^Z
Send message? [confirm]
*** Message from tty0 to all terminals:
The system 2509 will be shut down in 10 minutes for repairs.
I don't know of any command to send an arbitrary message to the syslog server. Cisco has documents describing the logging facility, e.g. System Message Logging.