First, a caveat: I'm not sure why you specified the following (emphasis mine),
Any suggestions for commands to specifically show the voice vlan assigned to a switch port without using too much reg-ex or seeking through the running configuration?
However, even the lengthiest reg-ex command in a Cisco device can be shortened by the alias
command. In fact one of my frequently used aliases is to show the exact information you're looking for. Which I will include below.
Now, there are several ways to get the information you're looking for, and it depends on what exactly you know, and what you're trying to find.
If you know what the voice VLAN(s) is/are on that particular switch, and you're looking to find out what ports they're assigned to, you could simply issue the command:
show vlan id <voice-vlan-number>
This would give you a list of all ports utilizing that VLAN:
ATR4506-A1A-1#show vlan id 210
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
210 ATRIUM-IP-PHONES active Gi2/2, Gi2/3, Gi2/4, Gi2/5, Gi2/6,
If you know the port of interest (or want to see all ports) and just want to see which voice VLAN is in use on that port, you are looking for something like the following:
show interfaces switchport | include Name|Voice
I have this command aliased to svv
(for show voice vlan) like so:
conf t
alias exec svv show interfaces switchport | include Name|Voice
This is the command I most frequently use to gather this information, and it gives the output:
Name: Te1/1
Voice VLAN: none
Name: Te1/2
Voice VLAN: none
Name: Gi2/2
Name: Gi2/3
Name: Gi2/4
Name: Gi2/5
Another alternative would be to filter the show run
output if you need the exact interface names and switchport info (for scripting purposes for example):
show running-config | include interface GigabitEthernet|switchport voice vlan
This gives:
ATR4506-A1A-1#show running-config | include interface GigabitEthernet|switchport voice vlan
interface GigabitEthernet1/3
interface GigabitEthernet1/4
interface GigabitEthernet1/5
interface GigabitEthernet1/6
interface GigabitEthernet2/1
interface GigabitEthernet2/2
switchport voice vlan 210
interface GigabitEthernet2/3
switchport voice vlan 210