I have a problem that I can not understand it myself and I need some help. I'm doing a kind of challenge, well network challenge in cisco packet tracer. I have a .pka file that stands for Cisco Packet Tracer Activities. It is a file which has a broken network and we must fix it.
I have done 80% of this troubleshooting network problem and I can't figure why the thing that I'm going to explain now, its not working:
So this is my network and router R1 can successfully communicate with R2 network's computers, and R3 can do the same thing with R2 network. Now, R2 can successfully communicate with each network in picture. Now the thing that I don't understand is why
R1 can not communicate with R3 even I manually and statically configured each one with next hop interface(R2>ip route
; R2> ip route ;
ip addresses are below of each router). Although my computers at network of router1 can communicate with the computers of the network of the router3.....
I'm really trying hard to understand what's is happening here but, since if two router can not communicate with each other, how computers do, and if the computer can communicate why routers won't?
. Also, please provide configurations.