I am completing an online course for the network+ and am going through one of the labs. Here is a diagram of the network in question.
Specifically I have a switch with 24 fast ethernet ports and 2gigabit ports and the tasks mentioned are to do the following:
- Manually designate ports fa0/8, fa0/23-24, gi0/1-2 as trunk ports.
- For each trunk port remove the current vlan assignment
- Manually configure the remaining ports as access ports.
- save the changes in the startup config file.
To achieve this I entered the following commands:
conf t.
int range fa0/8, fa0/23-24, gi0/1-2
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 2-4094
conf t
int range fa0/1-7, fa0/9-22
switchport mode access
copy run start
The solution calls for using the code
no switchport access vlan
instead of:
switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 2-4094
What is the difference(if any) between these 2 commands?