I'm using a Microsemi S650 as the primary ntp server and a Juniper MX10003 as the secondary ntp server. I have the palo alto 3260 configured as follows:
[edit deviceconfig system ntp-servers]
ntp-servers {
primary-ntp-server {
ntp-server-address fd40:a652:205:81::123;
authentication-type {
symmetric-key {
algorithm {
sha1 {
authentication-key -AQ==A2yJAAeGbGTWyC8VvVcfpy26eRw=yrW8b/T3Jy7JBO39p2jxJJIKtK0Zmcf0hpKkBVObeE5yRXhcNw7d5m2kcRJwugdy;
key-id 2;
secondary-ntp-server {
ntp-server-address fd40:a652:103:100::3;
authentication-type {
symmetric-key {
key-id 5;
algorithm {
sha1 {
authentication-key -AQ==A2yJAAeGbGTWyC8VvVcfpy26eRw=yrW8b/T3Jy7JBO39p2jxJJIKtK0Zmcf0hpKkBVObeE5yRXhcNw7d5m2kcRJwugdy;
} }
The MX10003 is configured as follows:
{master}[edit system ntp]
ADMIN@MX1003-A3-RE0# show
boot-server fd40:a652:205:81::123;
authentication-key 3 type md5 value "$8$aes256-gcm$hmac-sha2-256$100$qj7VKJq6yp4$uleP/L5JAwqyxXz8Ycu+rg$0cSalY+VuOGOQWHUzeftUw$OV8LtMSs6Y/+i2Xnd5mx"; ## SECRET-DATA
authentication-key 1 type md5 value "$8$aes256-gcm$hmac-sha2-256$100$1OUG+SJUcwQ$it9a/nJ5LtudKIvba0rAhw$IHYjs1Yf0568nez75hJP1g$TZmXQygdjl5OTD9yFZ/P"; ## SECRET-DATA
authentication-key 5 type sha1 value "$8$aes256-gcm$hmac-sha2-256$100$lPz+7VuPMAM$9cfIRszWmHUTvHX7FO9Q9g$M7RbVvZCZVw4rY82p5f+3g$MfkbgtQDrDq26voT21BBAWlcbketGALnzM2RL8jJBLwE45LvpN0ahw"; ## SECRET-DATA
server fd40:a652:205:81::123 key 1 prefer; ## SECRET-DATA
server fd40:a652:103:100::3 key 5 prefer; ## SECRET-DATA
trusted-key [ 1 3 5 ];
source-address fd40:a652:103:100::3;
*NOTE: the MX10003's address is the fd40:a652:103:100::3 address.
The problem I am having is that I cannot get the palo alto 3260 to sync with the MX10003. I have configured another Juniper device with the same trusted key 5 and it syncs with the MX10003 with no issues. Also, the Palo Alto has no issues syncing with the primary NTP server. This leads me to believe I have both devices configured properly, but for some reason the Palo won't sync with the Juniper router. When I issue the "show ntp" command in the Palo Alto 3260 I get this:
show ntp
NTP state:
NTP synched to fd40:a652:205:81::123
NTP server: fd40:a652:205:81::123
status: synched
reachable: yes
authentication-type: symmetric key
NTP server: fd40:a652:103:100::3
status: rejected
reachable: no
authentication-type: symmetric key
Also, the service route for the Palo Alto is set to use the management interface for ipv6 and I can definitely ping the router from the Palo Alto.
Any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this further? I'm not to certain on how to perform a Cisco style debug in the Palo Alto or Juniper device so I'm looking for recommendations. Thanks.
monitor traffic interface ...
Be sure to look for some pings/etc first, as the way this is implemented in Junos comes with limitations; if packets aren't reaching the control-plane it can't see them. Here is a KB article that will help with the interface syntax: kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB33629lo0 firewall filter
. This is an excellent place to add a firewall term with an action likethen { log; accept; count NTP; }
so you can useshow firewall log
to learn more about what's happening.