I am faced with putting an outdoor WiFi access point about 800 feet from the nearest building. There is no power at the far end. This will require a weatherproof AP that accepts PoE
I've looked at creating a wifi link, but 3/4 of the span is bush and trees.
There are several providers of ethernet extenders, presumably converting the signal to some form of DSL and back. Some provide the ability to power a PoE device at the far end.
It occurs to me that I don't really understand the limitation of 100m on ethernet, and under what conditions it can be pushed. Modern cables are better quality. The original 100m spec figured into the timing for collision detection. Full duplex means collision detection is a non-issue.
The cable will be aerial, suspended from a 12.5 ga high tensile steel wire. (Why not bury it? I don't really want to clear enough of a right of way to run a ditchwitch through 400 feet of poplar swamp.)
I don't need high speed. 10 Mbit/s would be fine.
Option 1: Try it. If it works, fine. If it's flakey put the appropriate additional hardware at the ends.
Option 2: I'm wasting my time. Buy the gadgets.
If option 1 isn't unreasonable, what are my best choices for cable.
I don't need gigabit speeds. Even 10 Mbit/s would be sufficient.