I'm new to interface bridging, and I have an ISR4431 running 03.16.04b.S on which I need to bridge between two interfaces for two hosts: One interface is connecting directly to a host, the other to a switch (diagram below). I initially configured it as documented here, but this setup wasn't working in my environment, so I've read everything I can find on BDIs and played with all the related commands for a few days... I could use some input, nothing is working.
I currently have it working so L3 traffic is handled properly (both hosts can reach the BDI IP and can reach/be reached from other subnets), but L2 traffic doesn't seem to work-- the hosts can't reach each other (there was a brief blip twice where ARP resolved on one host for the other, but it went back to "incomplete" when I tried to SSH between them).
If I do a sh mac add add [host1/host2 MAC] on either of the switches, it will show the host's MAC, VLAN111, and interface correctly. I'm guessing something is wrong on the router that's stopping it from forwarding L2 traffic.
Here are the current configs:
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
description DLink Host .2
no ip address
negotiation auto
service instance 111 ethernet
encapsulation untagged
bridge-domain 111
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
description DLink Host .3 via Switch
no ip address
negotiation auto
service instance 111 ethernet
encapsulation untagged
l2protocol peer stp
bridge-domain 111
interface BDI111
mac-address 0000.1221.3443
ip address
no cdp enable
Top Switch:
interface GigabitEthernet1/1
description DLink Router G0/0/3
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 111
no cdp enable
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
interface GigabitEthernet1/2
description DLink Switch2 G1/1
switchport trunk native vlan 200
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
Bottom Switch:
interface GigabitEthernet1/1
description ULink Switch 1 G1/2
switchport trunk native vlan 200
switchport mode trunk
switchport nonegotiate
interface GigabitEthernet1/2
description DLink Host .3
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 111
no cdp enable
Any help is greatly appreciated, I've been stuck on this for a while and am completely out of ideas.
Update 1: I originally had the following commands entered on the router, but in my testing the seemed to be related to BVIs so I removed them. They've been added back now as it doesn't have any negative impact.
bridge irb
bridge 111 route ip
!Spanning Tree protocol for Bridge Group 7 has not been configured.
bridge 111 protocol vlan-bridge
!The protocol options I have are dec, ibm, and vlan-bridge
Update 2: I removed the rewrite commands and changed both interfaces to untagged on the router. It's behaving exactly the same without them: Both switches and the router show proper VLAN, interface, and MAC information for each IP, L3 is working, L2 isn't. See the post history for the previous config.