We need to do Summarization on received Routes (as we are receiving 20K+ routes )to reduce load, saving memory, bandwidth, and CPU Cycle.
Please suggest some quick and accurate methods to do. I m looking for your experience and industry best practices Here are some routes showing (for reference only, omitted IP & ASNs).
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Path
r>i 10.0.x.0/25 123.xx.x.x 100 100 65000 i
r>i 10.0.y.0/24 123.xx.x.x 10 100 65001 65001 i
r>i 10.0.z.a/24 123.xx.x.x 100 100 65914 i
r>i 10.0.b.0/24 123.xx.x.x 100 100 65914 i
r>i 10.0.c.64/27 123.xx.x.x 100 100 65000 65000 65600 65125 i
r>i 10.0.c.96/27 123.xx.x.x 100 100 65000 65000 65600 65125 i