Apologies for my newbie question. I have recently had a Mellanox switch added to the mix. I was using an "IP helper-address" to forward DHCP requests in different VLANs to my DHCP server(s) on my other switches. I see you can configure a DHCP relay agent on the Mellanox switch but it was my understanding that this works differently from the IP helper-address. i.e in the DHCP relay the router receives the request and builds a new request to send to the server. I see there is a vrf-auto-helper but I can't quite get my head around what this is supposed to do.
On a Cisco-esque switch I have:
interface VLAN ??
ip address a.b.c.254
ip helper-address {address of dhcp server}
How would I achieve the same result on a Mellanox switch?
Would this be an equivalent?
# DHCP relay configuration
ip dhcp relay instance 1 vrf default
ip dhcp relay instance 1 vrf-auto-helper
ip dhcp relay instance 1 address {address of dhcp server}
ip dhcp relay instance 1 always-on