I have a test bench that I am trying to learn how to take pcaps with WireShark for BACnet UDP traffic of building automation devices.
4 devices in total on test bench:
- Windows 10 OS running WireShark/nmap -
- Ubuntu Desktop emulating a BACnet client/server device making read requests of sensor values -
- BACnet router, this is a gateway device that can route BACnet/IP traffic to twisted pair Rs-485 devices -
- Rs-485 BACnet MSTP Device wired into the BACnet router, responding to read requests of BACnet device running on Ubuntu
Question 1: (not a lot WireShark or nmap wisdom here)
- If I start a WireShark pcap on the Windows 10 machine I am trying to
troubleshoot why I cannot see any BACnet UDP traffic between Ubuntu
machine making sensor read requests to the MSTP device. Through SSH
into the Ubuntu machine I can clearly see in the console that the
sensor readings from the MSTP device is being retrieved every 5
seconds just fine but I cannot see any BACnet traffic captured on the
Windows 10 device. The only thing that appears to populate in
WireShark for BACnet is when the script running on the Ubuntu first
starts about, like a global BACnet -
Question 2: (further troubleshoot with running nmap on the Windows 10 device)
If I nmap the Ubuntu machine:
nmap -sV -sU -p 47808 --script bacnet-info
Ill get this returned:PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 47808/udp open bacnet | bacnet-info: | Vendor ID: Servisys (842) | Vendor Name: SERVISYS inc. | Object-identifier: 3056199 | Firmware: 3.8.10 (default, Jun 22 2022, 20:18:18) | [GCC 9.4.0] | Application Software: 21.12.03 | Object Name: BAC0 | Model Name: BAC0 Scripting Tool |_ Description: http://christiantremblay.github.io/BAC0/ MAC Address: 64:31:50:72:C6:62 (Hewlett Packard)
And nmap the BACnet router:
nmap -sV -sU -p 47808 --script bacnet-info
I get this returned:Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-09-24 10:37 Central Daylight Time Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0010s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 47808/udp closed bacnet
What is the difference between 47808/udp closed bacnet
and 47808/udp open bacnet
between the nmap results? Could this be a reason why I cannot see BACnet traffic in WireShark? Just curious if I am on track to troubleshooting this or off in the weeds somewhere....any tips help