Sorry for asking this. I am not a network engineer, but I do plan my own network, and know a little on how things moved. But I am not familiar on the terms being used.
Now, suppose I have these topology:
Switch A
1 PC1 no VLAN, port set as VLAN 1
2 PC2 no VLAN, port not set as any VLAN
3 Hypervisor (VLAN 1 for Guest1 and VLAN 2 for Guest 2)
4 to Switch B, all VLAN.
Switch B
1. PC3 no VLAN, port set as VLAN 1
2. PC4 no VLAN, port set as VLAN 2
3. router, all VLAN.
Now, I know that PC1 can see PC3 and guest1, and PC2 would be alone, while PC4 can see Guest 2, while router can see all of them as separate network.
That is pretty basic knowledge, and very rough I think, so I am confused with the term of ingress, eggress, "access", "trunk", "tagged", and "untagged". So, can someone please explain to me what is tagged, untagged, trunk and access are in those ports?
Thank you