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Questions tagged [dhcp]

For questions about DHCP in in relation to network devices. For instance, you are setting up DHCP on a layer 3 switch.

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Communication between subnets on Sonicwall firewall

I have a Sonicwall TZ-350. X0 is the default LAN with IP, and X1 is the WAN. I've set up a second local subnet on X2 with IP for a single NAS device (no switch; the device is ...
Bolio's user avatar
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Juniper and EdgeCore dhcpv6-relay remote-id (option 37)

I have the following problem. I have minimal configuration of dhcpv6-relay agent on QFX5100. Before the QFX, there is an Edgecore switch on which DHCPv6 snooping is enabled. The problem occurs as soon ...
Libor's user avatar
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Configue IOS DHCP server to respond to Option 60 class

I have a number of small networks each with about half-a-dozen mostly-fixed hosts. The routers on each network provide DHCP service for the occasional visiting engineer's laptop. I am adding IP ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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Cisco ASA L2TP remote-access VPN with addresses assigned by DHCP

I have an ASA with a working Cisco VPN Client configuration set up. I am trying to phase out the Cisco VPN Client, initially in favour of L2TP. The Cisco Client policy has end-users fetch their ...
jimbobmcgee's user avatar
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DHCP Relay on Cisco ASA over site-to-site VPN

How do I get the DHCP relay function of a Cisco ASA working over a site-to-site VPN? The ops center is behind a 5510 ASA with a 3560 core switch. The DHCP server is at IP The remote ...
paulmanac's user avatar
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Cisco 1841/WAP4410N Wireless Access Issue

In our environment, we have a Cisco 1841 which, among other things, performs DHCP services for a small manufacturing facility. We have 100 available DHCP addresses in the pool. That device connects to ...
John's user avatar
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What is the safest method to decrease DHCP lease time while not risking clients receiving already-used IP addresses?

Our wireless in our NYC office has a guest SSID that has no auth. Understandably, we get a LOT of users on this network. Lately, our IP space has been filling very fast at events and I'd like to ...
Peter Grace's user avatar
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CBS350-24XS problem with ip obtain by DHCP pool for IP phones

I have problems with obtaining IP address by DHCP server which configured on CBS350-24XS switch.Problem happens only with IP phones : Cisco SPA504G,Fanvil X3S. Firmware version is latest : I ...
Rahman's user avatar
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How to configure DHCP on CISCO IOS XE with options (60) conditions?

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9: How can I make the client receive the "bootfile" option, depending on what is specified in "option 60"? This is necessary in order to transfer the necessary ...
IT FAPK's user avatar
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Dhp L2TP reservation on cisco 1921

I use a Cisco 1921 as L2TP server. (I don't want to use RADIUS authentication.) Please is someone can tell me how is it possible to do IP reservation, using client identification? I have tried dhcp ...
JimmyConnor97's user avatar
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Question about subinterface DHCP relay CISCO

I want to make 4 PC got DHCP IP address No problem with left side, but right side 2 PC can't get IP automaitic. I think the problem is DHCP Relay. How can I use ip helper-address for subinterface of ...
Ordinary Sail's user avatar
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Cisco DHCP using dynamic updates

I would like to use a configuration on a Cisco router that allows for clients to resolve the names of other clients without the use of mDNS. I have following configuration: roTST01#show running-config ...
Mario Jost's user avatar
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Best practice / advice for cisco 3560 behind Virtualised OPNsense

Currently I run the below scheme. The problem is that when ESXi is down it takes down all the network with it, so I have to boot up another router to log in to it. WAN > OPNsense (in ESXi)> ...
Diosim's user avatar
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Why DHCP client doesn't issue a DHCPREQUEST as it has received a DHCPOFFER?

In GNS3 (and using Cisco routers), I've created four subnetworks like the following: The goal is to set up a DHCP server on router R1 and a DHCP relay agent on router R2 in order to make it available ...
Dsaki's user avatar
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There have DHCP relay for different vlans issue in my MX-480 router

I have the network topology: in this topology, in my router, I set the DHCP relay: admin@MX-RE0# show forwarding-options dhcp-relay server-group { smart_group {; } } ...
244boy's user avatar
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Apply Interface Default Gateway to Entire Device

I feel there may be a very simple term for what I trying to do, but I'm not sure what it is, and it is difficult to search for it in concise words. The shortest description I can come up with: "I ...
bwat's user avatar
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