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Questions tagged [flood]

For questions about network flooding, where flooding is the forwarding of a packet by a router from any node to every other node attached to the router except the node from which the packet arrived. Flooding is a way to distribute routing information updates quickly to every node in a large network.

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multicast flooding limits throughput?

My group's R&D lab has an Arista 10G switch, DCS-7020SR-24C2. This switch is NOT configured for IGMP snooping. I can see that it is flooding all multicast to all ports. I run an experiment where ...
Streve Ford's user avatar
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2 Cisco ASA Firewalls - TCP SYN FLOOD

Problem We have 2 firewalls, a DMZ firewall and another firewall named FW1 in a testlab. Both are CISCO ASAs. The shared services and jumphost are behind the FW1 firewall. The subnets ...
Kal's user avatar
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Arp and flooding

it is my understanding that nodes are not aware of the mac address of other nodes they want to communicate with, when a frame is created to communicate node A with node B, the destination mac address ...
freman1952's user avatar
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Unknown cause of disappearing CAM table entry and unicast flooding

Posting this in response to the closed question: Network flooding without ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff (layer 2 broadcast) MAC address in destination? I have a network that is experiencing the following problem: ...
Tony Sepia's user avatar
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Network flooding without ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff (layer 2 broadcast) MAC address in destination? [closed]

It appears that a switch is sending the same traffic to all ports in a VLAN: In a Wireshark capture on host with MAC aaaa.aaaa.aaaa I see packets with MAC destination bbbb.bbbb.bbbb and ...
Tony Sepia's user avatar
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Flooding vs Unknown Unicast Flooding

Can someone clarify what is the difference between Flooding and Unknown Unicast Flooding? Is it the same thing or it contains different meaning? I'm aware that Flooding happens when a switch ...
KingsNeverDie's user avatar
4 votes
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Strange flooding during installing new switch in network

This is very strange issue i am noticing. In our datacenter we have every switch in rack has cisco vPC configured in short whole datacenter running vPC so there is no loop for spanning-tree anywhere ...
Satish's user avatar
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