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Two channels between two switches

Is there a way to provide two physically diverse channels between two switches? I'm using two Cisco Catalysis 3560s, and I want to have two separate channels between them, with different access ...
Matt Hall's user avatar
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Ping issue: connect a switch into another switch's vlan port

I have a Cisco 2960-X switch and a Cisco SG-300 switch. I created VLANs on 2960-X switch (e.g. VLAN 10 with ports 1-5 and VLAN 20 with ports 6-10) and allow DHCP for each VLAN. Now, laptop ...
TJCLK's user avatar
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The meaning of routing table lookup at a line rate

When it is said: Routing table lookup in a line rate, why is line rate important when the router still needs to perform a linear search in the size of routing table? Is there a relationship between ...
Michael's user avatar
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Cisco 2851 Static NAT - Similar Static Entry Already Exists

I have a Cisco 2851 with NAT configured as so: ip nat inside source list 111 interface GigabitEthernet0/1 overload ip nat inside source static ip nat inside source static ...
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