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Questions tagged [ipv6-transition]

For questions about transitioning from Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6); IPv6 is the successor Internet Protocol to IPv4.

2 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to break apart an IPv6 /56 6rd delegated prefix from ISP into multiple /64 VLANs for use with SLAAC EUI-64? [Cisco]

I have CenturyLink Internet service, and they have a 6RD IPv6 deployment where they hand out an IPv6 delegated prefix /56 block to me and allow me to use it as I wish. My Cisco ISR router receives the ...
OpenHorseSoftware's user avatar
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IPv6 without Link-Local using Unique Local Addresses only?

I haven't seen any discussion online about this, but after some testing I have some questions. Here's a quick overview of my testing environment, meant to replicate production infrastructure only at ...
bdrun33's user avatar