Questions tagged [loopback]

For questions about loopback interfaces on network devices. For instance, you want to configure routing on your layer 3 switch and for that you want to configure a loopback interface.

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6 votes
2 answers

Why can I ping IP addresses from to

I thought that the loopback IP address of my machine is I do not understand why am I able to ping IP addresses until
yoyo_fun's user avatar
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2 answers

How is harpinning (NAT loopback) used in practice?

I have never had to use hairpinning in the past and so far, reading its description on Wikipedia, I don't see many use cases for this technology, apart from some requests from selected users inside ...
syntagma's user avatar
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1 answer

What's the relationship of a Router with its loopback interface in logic?

I have a Router1 with a loopback 0 connected to the Router2: the interface brief is bellow: Router1>show ip interface brief Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status ...
aircraft's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Whats's the function of a loopback interface in routing protocols?

So I've got this task where I have to setup a virtual network with an OSPF routing protocol. I firstly ignored this loopback interface I had to configure on the routers since it didn't do any ...
iPh1ps99's user avatar
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IP address that can not be reached from outside of device

I am sorry if this is a silly question, but I am developing an application that should connect to itself over sockets, but to make it secure it should only be reachable from local device. I believe I ...
JustHobby's user avatar
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2 answers

Loopback Interface speed is 10 Mbps but Incoming and Outgoing Traffic is in Gbps

I am writing a script which mails interface data to network admin. For this I'm using LibreNMS and RRDTool to gather data. On inspecting one of the loopback interfaces, I found that the interface ...
Giridhar Shenoy's user avatar