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Questions tagged [traceroute]

For questions about trace routing where, for instance, you are troubleshooting routing issues or have problems using the traceroute command via CLI on a network device.

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Network scheme based on traceroute commands - is my thinking correct?

I want to create a hypothetical scheme of network containing the 3 routers (R1, R2 and R3) that were listed when running 2 separate traceroute commands. traceroute 1: 1 *** (...) 9 R1 (80.249....
thefool's user avatar
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Why does EKS Fargate require NAT?

EKS Fargate is an AWS service for "serverless" hosting of some pods in a Kubernetes cluster. The docs mention that NAT is obligatory, why is this? I tried using traceroute from a Fargate pod....
benjimin's user avatar
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In a trace route, do routers that do not respond still forward the packets?

In traceroute, The sender expects a reply within a specified number of seconds. If a packet is not acknowledged within the expected interval, an asterisk is displayed. Pasting here the example trace ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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Is route from traceroute guaranteed to match the route packets will take in actual usecase?

Context I'm working on a university project where I need to find out if it's possible to save electricity by hosting services locally and thus having to transmit data by smaller distances. I've ...
mcv_dev's user avatar
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Mac-address identification through traceroute

i would like to know the command syntax to trace a mac address in a lan. I'm experiencing some issue in quick localization of a device by using only that information, I remember the use of 'traceroute ...
Matteo's user avatar
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Can we trace the route of a single packet?

Assuming a "standard" datacenter network topology with hosts under a Top-of-Rack Switch, connected to an aggregation layer; I'm wondering if it's possible to send a packet from host ...
Lem0n's user avatar
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How to interpret traceroute results? [duplicate]

So, I have a task which involves calculating the RTT to a destination. Now, I have done it using ping. But, I need to do it using traceroute too. From, my knowledge about traceroute, I know that it ...
Vedanta Mohapatra's user avatar
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tracert: first hop dependent of target [closed]

I was checking my Internet connection at home and run the following commands. I was surprised by the response because the first hop sounds to be different depending on the host that I try to reach. ...
Cédric L. Charlier's user avatar
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Confusion on how Traceroute works [duplicate]

I just learned about traceroute and couldn't figure out why it's so useful: A packet over the internet can take different routes each time a packet is sent from a source to the same destination. So ...
CuriosityStrikes's user avatar
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How could far hop's RTT be smaller than a near hop's RTT in traceroute output? [duplicate]

According to here: ...the round trip time (RTT) for your packet to reach that point and return to your computer. And in the example, it shows: The RTT for hop 5 is smaller than hop 4. But RTT_4 = ...
smwikipedia's user avatar
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Traceroute and BGP Next-hop [duplicate]

I just started learning about network engineering and have a very basic question. From my understanding, traceroute shows the routers along the path that the packet needs to traverse through to reach ...
Noob2020's user avatar
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How traceroute add TTL field to UDP header?

If the UDP packet's header is a fixed 8 bytes size, how it does not contain a field for TTL, How traceroute put that field ?
عبدالرحمن الشماس's user avatar
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pathping command 100% packet loss

this is the real example of pathping command. According to my knowledge:- Source to here column :- it tells about number of packet loss out of 100 send directly to hop Node/Link column. :- it tells ...
Rohit's user avatar
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What if I run tracert command while there is no connection to the DNS server?

What happens if I run the tracert x.x.x.x command while there is no connection to the DNS server?
Denys_newbie's user avatar
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nmap correct TCP traceroute [closed]

Why is only hop 1 & 6 displayed? Note: I can't use ICMP, due to firewall. The target is an educational website in the AWS cloud.
Jan Küfner's user avatar
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Is this a good network configuration?

I am trying to configure ip sla for non directed link . I have configured static route to reach to non directed link 1 configured track 2 configured ip sla 3 configured access-list 4 configured NAT 5 ...
wajib rehman's user avatar
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How is traceroute Time to Live decremented?

By default, for Traceroute utility, the "time to live" value will be decremented by 1 each time packet passes through a router. However, is the "time to live" value also ...
Student95's user avatar
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What is making switch CPU so busy that it's unable to respond with ICMP errors?

According to How to prioritize ICMP time exceeded packets my switch is dropping ICMP error replies because the CPU is apparently too busy. It is a PowerConnect 7048 and it dropping anywhere between 5% ...
user3280964's user avatar
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How to prioritize ICMP time exceeded packets

According to why ICMP Time Exceeded packet takes longer ICMP Echo Reply, it is normal for ICMP time exceeded be treated as low priority and slowed down or even discarded. I'm observing this problem ...
user3280964's user avatar
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Ping to default gateway failing

I am trying to ping to a default gateway which i have configured as but somehow the ping is failing . I am new to network domain so i have less idea about it . Any help is appreciated .This ...
Jyotiraditya Tomar's user avatar
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Trace internal equipement from Internet while answering

I would like to know if it's possible to achieve a traceroute of nodes on an internal network from an equipement on the internet answering to a query. Let's say that a client on an internal network ...
S. Brottes's user avatar
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How is traceroute able to display hostnames?

When performing a traceroute, what function on the ISP gateway is advertising the hostname? When we traceroute to for instance; Tracing route to [] over a maximum of ...
Graham Warrender's user avatar
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why ICMP Time Exceeded packet takes longer ICMP Echo Reply

I've noticed that when I use tracert a certain router(hop) always takes about 200ms to reply back, the rest reply's in 50ms, after digging into it with wireshark I've noticed that tracert uses normal ...
Naeem John's user avatar
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How to use the TCP traceroute in Juniper?

How to use the TCP traceroute in Juniper? In Juniper OS I only know traceroute ip_address I don't know how to traceroute a destination with TCP protocol. is it possible to implement it?
244boy's user avatar
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Why do hops before VPN server not reflect in traceroute?

I'm using a remote-site VPN (ProtoVPN). When I tracert to the IP address of the VPN server, the hops through my ISP and other intermediate hops before the VPN sever are shown. But when I tracert to ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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Why is the trace route to a particular IP not the same as trace route from that IP to mine?

So i am running a trace route from to my system. i get a route. And i run a trace route from my system to the website above i get a different route. Why is that? Why ...
Prajwal's user avatar
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Who owns the in-between routers displayed when I execute a traceroute command?

When i traceroute a website, i get the IPs of all the routers in the path between me and the website. Who owns all those routers? Are they organized in a particular kind of building?
Davide's user avatar
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Difference between traceroute and tcptraceroute

I'm looking for the difference between a "normal" traceroute (ICMP layer 3) and a TCP traceroute (Layer 4). I sometimes see system engineers using tcptraceroute and the hops continue further than ...
user2827958's user avatar
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What my traceroute only list one hop?

This is my topology in my network. It's easy to know my server can communicate to But when I traceroute the path, I only get one hop to it. My doubt is why it do not through 102....
aircraft's user avatar
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Traceroute seems to succeed but also gives host is unreachable message [duplicate]

I have done a traceroute from the Princeton traceroute server ("") to the ip address This is the following result I received: tracing path ...
vamsi Adapa's user avatar
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Permit ping and traceroute and deny all other services using an ACL

my topology is shown below: I would like the networks that are connected to Hermes-Router to be accessible from all the other stations only when I use ping and traceroute. I tried to do this using an ...
Giannis Matsarokis's user avatar
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Ping time varies between two devices in the same LAN [closed]

I am trying to ping between two devices A [Server] and B[Router]. From A to B the average ping response is about 1ms and from B to A is 0.5ms which is half. As a result, if I scp a file to B, by ...
Rakesh Nittur's user avatar
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What do the number of hops in traceroute show? [closed]

I carried out the tracert command on two different websites hosted in two different locations. I tried it on a website hosted in the UK which is where im located and also a website thats located in ...
hsolo's user avatar
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How to find time duration of tracert command using wireshark?

I tried to execute a tracert command in cmd in Windows 10, specifically, tracert In the same time, I captured the packets with wireshark. How can I find the time duration of my tracert ...
Κωνσταντίνος Κορναράκης's user avatar
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How to traceroute in SDN Networks while traceroute is not working in SDN by default?

I have used all opendaylight, floodlight and POX controllers one by one in my SDN ring topology which is created by mininet, but I am not able to use traceroute command and trace the paths where the ...
Ramin Ramesh's user avatar
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Traceroute command last hop cannot be reached

By running the traceroute command below I obtained this output: traceroute -q 3 -m 60 traceroute to (, 60 hops max, 60 byte packets 1 gateway (10.81.62....
user19440's user avatar
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Why doesn't traffic go through router on LAN? [duplicate]

So I thought that when two devices are connected to a router, and if they wanted to communicate with each other, then all the traffic will go through the router(AP). I tried running a traceroute and ...
mayank budhwani's user avatar
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Why the TCP traceroute map jump over many routers? [closed]

I can not understand this TCP traceroute map: This is a TCP traceroute from Chongqing,China to LA,USA: the is Beijing Unicom the is LA Unicom. the path is this: Why the ...
aircraft's user avatar
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Which packet's path is shown to us when using the trace route command? [duplicate]

When data is transferred across the internet it is split into numerous data packets of size no more than 1500 bytes and these packets reach their destination through different paths across the ...
Shaik Mohammed Zeeshan's user avatar
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Traceroute showing inter-vlan routing?

I currently have two different devices (one server and one client device) that are on separate VLANs (VLAN 5 and VLAN 10 respectively). When the client device runs a tracert to the server, the tracert ...
Craken's user avatar
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Why can I traceroute to this IP address, but not ping?

I have an IP address and can traceroute to it, but I can not ping. You see, I can traceroute dele-MBP:~ ll$ traceroute traceroute to (, 64 hops ...
244boy's user avatar
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How does packet tracing deterministically work?

If a packet can take any route, how can you iteratively figure out the path from you to a host? From what I can tell, packet tracing works on the basis that packet_i takes a the route: route(...
Tobiq's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform a Layer 2 (MAC address) traceroute?

I understand the difference between layer2 & layer3 and MAC & IP. I understand address resolution protocol, etc. But is there any way to do a traceroute that will show Layer 2 information? For ...
voices's user avatar
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Is that tracrt output normal?

I have found serveral examples where the last tracert hop is shown twice but not exactly an outlput like I've got here: The network setup look like that: Between the two sophos UTM firewalls 77.77....
Totze1982's user avatar
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If traceroute fails why does ping still work?

If I can ping a router successfully, why is it that when I do traceroute, it stops at a particular interface and says "ICMP type:3, code:3, Destination port unreachable". Doesn't that mean that it can'...
Kuni_Leqa's user avatar
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traceroute and ping behaviour through cisco router

Trying to do a traceroute to a particular destination, the result seems that the destination is unreachable. But when i ping the destination, the destination is replying well. could anyone help to ...
Mamitiana Ra's user avatar
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Ping and tracert command result [closed]

Here i have the response when i use commands ping and tracert for Now, i am still new to networking, but i need to know how to interpret the response that i got here: 1) First off, i need ...
cdummie's user avatar
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Why there is only one hop in the tracert?

I use the tracert to a remote server IP address: C:\Users\lll>tracert Track by up to 30 hops The route to f1.FF-SALE.COM []:    1 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms f1.FF-SALE.COM [103....
three-blocks's user avatar
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Whether the traceroute command only can check "to" path, can not check "back" path?

How to detect the router path of traffic? I use the for ICMP traffic: I want to check the out path and back path. such as I have A address and B address ...
244boy's user avatar
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Quagga - Configure 3 routers using OSPF

Hi I'm trying to use quagga to connect 3 routers but the middle one doen't complete the path that a trace route command would do even though it knows where the target address is. It seems that ...
Jean Willian S. J.'s user avatar