Question is not a duplicate of this link. As that asks why we need a 3 way hand shake and I know why! my question is why cannot the ACK packet be accommodated by the following protocol packet(PSH ACK).
I get why is there a need of an handshake, but do we need the ACK in the end from the initater? Lets take an example of an http query which was followed by a TCP handshake.
CLIENT:23434 SN 0 -----> SERVER:80 -- SYN
CLIENT:23434 <----- SERVER:80 SN 0, AN 1 -- SYN ACK
CLIENT:23434 SN 1 AN 1 -----> SERVER:80 -- ACK
CLIENT:23434 SN 1 AN 1 -----> SERVER:80 -- PSH ACK(HTTP GET)
Now if there was to be a protocol(data) packet followed by the ACK of three way handshake with the same sequence number and acknowledgement number, Why have the ACK packet why not use the protocol packet only to synchronize?