Can someone freaking explain this to me? It's driving me NUTS.

Current running config:

    vpdn-group 1
     ! Default PPTP VPDN group
      protocol pptp
      virtual-template 2
     l2tp tunnel timeout no-session 15

**Super Cool!** Except that last command doesn't EXIST!

    2901_easton(config-vpdn)#l2tp ?
    % Unrecognized command

Here is the "?" for the entire thing...

    VPDN group configuration commands:
      accept-dialin...................VPDN accept-dialin group configuration
      default.............................Set a command to its defaults
      description......................Description for this VPDN group
      dsl-line-info-forwarding...Forward DSL Line Info attributes
      exit..................................Exit from VPDN group configuration mode   force-local-chap..............Force a CHAP challenge to be instigated locally
      ip.....................................IP settings for tunnel
      lcp...................................LCP specific commands
      local................................Local information
      no...................................Negate a command or set its defaults
      pptp ...............................PPTP specific commands
      redirect..........................Call redirection options
      request-dialout..............VPDN request-dialout group configuration
      session-limit..................Maximum sessions allowed for this group
      source...........................Configuration source for this vpdn-group
      source-ip.......................Set source IP address for this vpdn-group
      terminate-from..............Terminate tunnel from remote peer
      vpn...............................VPN ID/VRF name

Thoughts anyone?? I would REALLY like to increase the timeout on this darn dial-in.