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5 votes

Correct ACL rules to isolate WiFi traffic from other VLANs?

Since you want to permit WAN traffic, matching only any, you need to have a permit any any at the end. Basically, you want to deny traffic in and out of the Wi-Fi VLAN. For each of the other VLANs you ...
Zac67's user avatar
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3 votes

Is temperature sensor on zero enough to prove PoE Control Module is failed?

(converted from comments) The "Total Power" figure should show what the PSU can deliver, regardless of what's currently in use. The "0 W" pretty clearly shows there's something wrong. Possibly, the ...
Zac67's user avatar
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How to prioritize ICMP time exceeded packets

A switch forwards in hardware but ICMP messages are handled by the CPU - so you'd need to look at the CPU load, not the amount of regular traffic. OSPF messages are created and parsed by the CPU as ...
Zac67's user avatar
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Bandwidth hogging on managed switched network 17 users

QoS mechanisms only come into effect when there is congestion on the link. If you have a 20M circuit but connected to a 1G interface, your device will never recognize the congestion because the ...
John K.'s user avatar
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How to tell if our Dell PowerConnect 3524 has PoE?

According to this, the P means PoE You could also search with the serial number on the switch and it should ...
Aaron D's user avatar
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Dell PowerConnect 5548P no power to Ubiquiti ER-X

I'm dumb and didn't think of the voltage coming from the switch. An adapter is needed to transform 48V from switch to 24V.
tripleblep's user avatar
2 votes

Stacking Pair of Dell PC2724 Switches

I don't think the 2724 switches support stacking (making both chassis act as a single switch). If more bandwidth is required than a single link provides, you can create a link aggregation group (LAG) ...
Zac67's user avatar
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1 vote

Dell PowerConnect 5548P no power to Ubiquiti ER-X

Ubiquiti is very loose with the term PoE. The ER-X uses a proprietary 24V variant (as PD and PSE). It's not compatible with IEEE PoE as provided by the PowerConnect 5548P.
Zac67's user avatar
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PowerConnect 5500 Series VLAN routing problem

VLAN 1 is the flat VLAN 10 is is a subnet of, making your routing ambiguous. You'll need to separate that properly, ie. without overlap.
Zac67's user avatar
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There shouldn't be any problem with attaching this but pay attention to "detail" as you need to lineup the plug to the inlet on the phone.
kubn2's user avatar
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Do I have to change to /16 instead of /24 to set up these VLANs

Setting the subnet to a /16 might cause some issues with broadcasts. Remember that your broadcast traffic is always the last address (the .255). I'm not sure what else might happen. Haven't tried ...
David Sain's user avatar

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