7 votes

BGP | Advertise a summary prefix out to customer location

This appears to be a Cisco router. Cisco has the aggregate-address command. You can advertise the aggregate address and all the individual addresses: aggregate-address or only the ...
Ron Maupin's user avatar
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6 votes

Why I Can't Summarize (aggregate) These Subnets in BGP router?

Generally speaking, route summarization hides information about more specific routes. It also hides the fact that you may not have a route to all addresses in your summary. So yes, you can summarize....
Ron Trunk's user avatar
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4 votes

Doesn't OSPF Have Auto Summarization?

I'm not going to get into the specifics of the various protocols other than OSPF because it is a good example to start with and it gets confusing if you pull in completely different things. Details ...
FrameHowitzer's user avatar
4 votes

Summarization on received Routes - BGP

You would not want to perform inbound summarization, and here's why: The first criteria a router uses to determine the best path to a destination is the specificity of the route (the length of the ...
user3629081's user avatar
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3 votes

Why I Can't Summarize (aggregate) These Subnets in BGP router?

I think what the question is about is if BGP will install the summarized route, if that middle subnet does not existing in the IP Route table. If that's the case, then the answer is yes, it will as ...
HostBits's user avatar
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2 votes

Difference in VLSM and FLSM in Rute Summarisation

Danis, you have the right idea. To answer the question what is the diffrence ... FLSM can be thought of like address summarization that can't be taken apart. FLSM can be efficient at routing because ...
Fixitrod's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the point of aggregate routes when the default preference is reject?

The aggregate route is useful for reach-ability outside the area or AS where detailed routing information is available for the covered routes. Inside such an area, the reason aggregates default to ...
Jeff Wheeler's user avatar
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Does CIDR really "do away" with IP address classes?

The only place I've seen actual classful behaviour in recent years is in the point-to-point tunnelling protocol. PPTP Many would consider this to be obsolete in itself, but there is certainly a lot ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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1 vote

Cisco numeric EIGRP routing IP summarizing and routing

The configuration you have shown is correct and will work as long as EIGRP is working over your serial link
Matt Douhan's user avatar
1 vote

EIGRP manual summarization prevent dual query

I think this might help: https://networkdirection.net/EIGRP+Design Also check out the references on the page. Basically, summarization provides a natural boundary where queries are stopped.
mark_3094's user avatar
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1 vote

OSPF LSA type 3

LSA 3 summarizes the TOPOLOGY, not the routes. If you look at the ospf database within an area 0 router, there should be a type 3 LSA for each ROUTE/prefix within the other area(s). There is a key ...
HostBits's user avatar
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