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Peregrino69's user avatar
Peregrino69's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
1 vote

If IPv6 exists, why do we still pay for static IPv4 addresses?

2 votes

Switch with VLAN: How to map between VLANs networks

3 votes

Why can PPPoE connect to a gateway which is not in the same subnet

2 votes

Configure dhcp relay agent and router on stick

1 vote

Do routers overwrite options of IP packets?

2 votes

Router interface on same subnet

1 vote

How a socks proxy is different from a normal proxy?

1 vote

HP Procurve VLAN menu BUG

1 vote

HP procurve 5412zl ACL

1 vote

What is the use of 16 Bytes chaddr in DHCP packet header?

2 votes

Creating one virtual switch that extends over two HP 2920-48G?

2 votes

DHCP on multiple ranges?

4 votes

If you can't ping an ip address this means nothing in regards to dns right?

6 votes

Small variations in ping on a LAN

1 vote

What is the maximum data transfer rate on WLAN for data sharing

2 votes

Is there an upper or lower bound of bandwidth given a particular RSS value?

3 votes

HP Procurve 5412zl Management unresponsive via IP when cpu high

4 votes

Cannot get 2nd vlan to access internet or ping router gateway

5 votes

Basic VLAN setup

2 votes

HP 2920-48G Switch and Apple Airport Extreme problems

4 votes

HP Switching, DT Links to two STP switches?

3 votes

static link aggregation

2 votes

Problem setting up two Wi-Fi module for two way communication

2 votes

MSTP with no single point of failure with 4 switches and 2 regions

4 votes

How does a router/switch know which queue a packet should be put in?