whenWhen we configure a qinq tunneling, the port, which performs the encapsulation, has the next command-lines:
interface g0/10
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switchport access vlan xxx <-- s-vlan
interface g0/10
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switchport access vlan xxx <-- s-vlan
So, on my job environment, if i want encapsulate another c-vlan (customer vlan) using a diferent s-vlan, I have to use another port and this option isn't scalable (one port for each s-vlan).
Do you know about a method to encapsulate many c-vlans using different s-vlans on the same port? I tried with vlan-mapping or vlan translation, but this method doesn't perform encapsulation, only replaces the original tag with the s-vlan tag.
Help me!