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Questions tagged [qinq]

For questions about Q-in-Q Tunneling, where Q-in-Q tunneling and VLAN translation allow service providers to create a Layer 2 Ethernet connection between two customer sites. For instance, you want to isolate customer traffic within a single site or to enable customer traffic flows between cloud data centers in different geographic locations.

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QinQ does not work with L2VPN (VSI and MPLS L2VC - Switch Huawei)

Currently, I am trying to configure a network to transport multiple VLANs for a client who has points in different locations (Side A and Side B). My idea was to use QinQ for this. The network topology ...
Claudio Elzio's user avatar
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dynamic mac address added all hosts through the Do1Q tunnel

we have a nexus switch, we configure two customer ports in different switches with (mode Dot1Q tunnel) as all traffic must have two VLAN tags, an inner tag, and an outer tag, in our network, we ...
Anas Programmer's user avatar
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Configuring QinQ in EX with enterprise style

I'm practicing QinQ with EX boxes. So with downlink and uplink in SP style, that is with flexible vlan tagging and extended vlan bridge, it is working. (
Prime's user avatar
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QinQ tunneling more than one VLAN as a provider + is it possible to send QinQ tunneling on the same port where L2 tagged works

I have done some QinQ's tunneling in my history but always there was only one customer, so situation was clear for me how to configure it. I mean access dot1q port to the customer and the rest are ...
fnsq's user avatar
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Why does 802.1ad exist?

Main Question: I'm wondering why the IEEE standard 802.1ad, which specifies the TPID of a S-VLAN as 0x88a8, for double tagged vlans exists, when it's also possible to just use two 802.1Q tags with the ...
ForJ9's user avatar
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QinQ on EX4200 with arbitrary C-VLAN

Trying to setup an ethernet link from CE located in building A to CE in building B. Customer may or may not tag it's frames sent over the link. Here's the setup I am trying to use +----+ +-------...
chrpenguin's user avatar
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Using QinQ without extra switch

I was wondering if it's possible to use QinQ to send all traffic from a switch out on one interface using a QinQ tag on all frames. What I need is to setup a wireless link between two sites using two ...
pythonnoob's user avatar
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MRV OptiSwitch "action tag nest"

What does this command does in an MRV OptiSwitch ? action tag nest [VLAN X] The configuration of the whole rule is the following : rule 1 action redirect port X action tag nest [VLAN X] tag eq ...
Eraseth's user avatar
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Using a switch to dynamically connect and disconnect multiple devices together in a point to point configuration

I have an interesting issue. I have to use a switch to dynamically connect and disconnect multiple devices together in a point to point configuration, without changing anything on the end user side. ...
Justin Lavan's user avatar
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Cisco QinQ - More than one s-vlan on dot1q-tunnel for the same c-vlans

I have a scenario where I have 3 service vlans (10,20,30) from a trunk port and need to brige our customer vlans (100,200,300,400) between all the service vlans. I need to do it all in the same switch ...
Radu Radu's user avatar
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MTU size for PPPOE with QinQ

i used at as A pppoe server i have used QINQ secend tag in rotuer interface TenGigabitEthernet2/0/0.904 description Cust1-QINQ encapsulation dot1Q 904 second-dot1q any pppoe enable group PPPOE-...
Anas Programmer's user avatar
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Arista VXLan with QinQ

I've got a weird situation. Three doctors offices are merging in two cities and we are planning on merging them into one building in each city. Due to politics and crappy software each office will ...
vxwhaa's user avatar
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Juniper EX2300 QinQ questions

I am trying to set up a Q in Q environment with EX2300(ELS). Unfortunately, I receive the error message down below when I enter commit check [edit interfaces ge-0/0/0] 'unit 0' VLAN-ID must be ...
Lyj's user avatar
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802.1ad (QinQ) and router

I am a little bit confused. Is router aware of VLAN tag? What happen when tagged frame comes to router? (without any extra setting like encapsulation) Or what happen when QinQ frame comes to router? ...
2ndChosenOne's user avatar
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Juniper EX4500 selective q-in-q

This switch supports selective qinq? For example I got 3 vlans on client port: 100, 200, 300. I need to add second tag on vlans 100, 200 but vlan 300 must run as is, without adding second tag. Is it ...
zeronight's user avatar
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Juniper EX4200 QinQ question

newbie here with a very similar question to one that was posted a couple of years back ... only slightly different (so, as the original question was asked so perfectly, I've copied it nearly verbatim ...
Julian's user avatar
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VLAN Bandwidth Issues?

So here is my question. I helped to create this network for a client utilizing a trunked VLAN (QinQ) that connects into a Hybrid L2/L3 port. The client is concerned that VLANs will be bandwidth ...
F S's user avatar
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Metro Ethernet and Q-in-Q: does customer's switch need to support it?

We're looking at getting a LAN extension for a branch office; we'd like head office VLANs to be present at this new location. Local telco says they can do Q-in-Q, but I don't believe our current ...
gravyface's user avatar
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Cisco QinQ - More than one provider vlan (s-vlan) on dot1q-tunnel port

When we configure a qinq tunneling, the port, which performs the encapsulation, has the next command-lines: interface g0/10 switchport switchport mode dot1q-tunnel switchport access vlan xxx &...
Frnndo's user avatar
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Arista 7050s Loopback Q-in-Q

Debugging an issue where I'm trying to get q-in-q working on an Arista 7050S with a loopback. I’ve got packets egressing the switch double tagged but in ingress, I can see them on the STAG’s SVI. I’...
Alex Turner's user avatar
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QinQ and selective QinQ

What is difference between QinQ and selective QinQ ? We need to configure selective QinQ VLAN trunk between our setup. Please help in selective QinQ .
Vinod Reddy's user avatar
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Cisco, No dot1q tunnel mode on switchport

The problem is: I can not find a QinQ(a.k.a. double vlan tagging or dot1q tunnel) feature in the following cisco switch: WS-C4510R+E, SUP8-E with WS-X4748-UPOE+E line card installed. The Cisco ...
Pavel's user avatar
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Juniper EX3300 and Q-in-Q

I have a Juniper EX3300 switch that has a 10Gbps connection to our upstream provider. Our upstream provider (lets call them Provider A) passes us various connections on tagged VLANs over this single ...
Gareth Hastings's user avatar
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Bridge two QinQ interfaces on a juniper router

On a Juniper MX router I've got 2 interfaces that I need to bridge together. Interface A has QinQ configured: vlan-tags outer 0x8100.1 inner 0x8100.600 Interfaces B has QinQ configured vlan-tags ...
Beeelze's user avatar
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Juniper EX4200 How to read SNMP traffic counters for specific VLAN id from trunk interface?

I have multiple q-in-q S-VLANs assigned to the trunk port ge-0/0/0. How can I read SNMP traffic counters for a specific VLAN id (S-VLAN) on that trunk port? Hardware is Juniper EX4200-24F. For ...
Everton's user avatar
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Juniper EX4200 how to select s-vlan from c-vlan on dot1q-tunneling access port?

How do I tell Juniper EX4200 to push specific S-VLAN based on C-VLAN on q-in-q (dot1q-tunneling) port? For instance I want to instruct EX4200 to perform Q-in-Q using these rules: 1) If a single-tag ...
Everton's user avatar
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What's the difference between TPID of 0x88a8 or 0x8100

I was reading over some JNCIS-SP documentation on provider bridging and it had this to say regarding the TPID field for QinQ: IEEE 802.1ad has reserved a TPID of 0x88a8 for the S-TAG however the ...
Luke Klimasauskas's user avatar
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How is IEEE 802.1ad (aka VLAN Tagging, QinQ) valid, when the packets are too large?

Recently i've been dealing with MTU issues. And it all seems to stem from the fact that the ethernet adapter on newer computers default of a frame size of 1504 bytes: >netsh interface ipv4 show ...
Ian Boyd's user avatar
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Super Aggregated VLAN vs. Q-in-Q

Is Super Aggregated VLANs Brocades version of Q-in-Q? If any, what are some of the major differences between SAV and Q-in-Q?
Adam Loveless's user avatar
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Cisco 7600 q-in-q functionality on a Cisco 6500

Is it possible to make my existing 6509 switch function as a 7600 router? Even if it means purchasing a new sup or other inline card. I need certain router features, such as q-in-q tag termination. ...
rick's user avatar
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