I have this error on a Cisco router running IOS version 12.2.
This coincide with an error received on our alarming system saying that on this router we have an interface with "line protocol down". The interface seems to be admin down, but I don't know why.
Are these 2 issues related? I don't see any other alarm at that time on the router.
Can an interface be admin down without someone doing shutdown
command on the interface?
Router#show logging
Jul 19 01:00:07.863 EDT: %RMON-5-FALLINGTRAP: Falling trap is generated because the value of ifOperStatus.8 has fallen below the falling-threshold value 1
Jul 19 01:00:12.863 EDT: %RMON-5-RISINGTRAP: Rising trap is generated because the value of ifOperStatus.8 exceeded the rising-threshold value 2
Router#show interfaces Gi1/8
GigabitEthernet1/8 is administratively down, line protocol is down (disabled)
Hardware is C7600 1Gb 802.3...
I know the interface shows "shutdown, but from what I know nobody did this. Strange! "
Router#show running-config interface Gi1/8
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 250 bytes !
interface GigabitEthernet1/8
description Connection to Firewall switchport
switchport access vlan 2
switchport mode access
logging event link-status
load-interval 30
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
The interface seems to be admin down, but I don't know why.
Are these 2 issues related? I don't se
C7600 1Gb 802.3... ...
to say what the hardware actually is. Also, can you show the configuration for this port?