I've recently been tasked with cleaning up an old network in where no passwords were provided, I was able to get in and look at the config. I've decided to replace 3 switches and add some new vlans in order to help organize things a bit better. All Devices are Static, no outside access needed. Switches are all HP. Area on the right has all HP2920s along with an HP fiber switch at the head end. Area on the right has a mix of HP2520s and HP2530 and all are layer 3. Both areas are connected with fiber.
Stuck on trying to figure out how I can take the existing equipment and move it to the new vlans while keeping it all up and running. All static devices land back to 4 server with Dual NICS, one NIC has the management vlan (1) while the other NIC is for one of the legacy vlans (5). I would be using vlan 9, 10 one for each server based on the area of the device but won't be moving all the devices right away. I thought about inter vlan routing, but unsure of how to go about that? would one of the switches need to have the routing information to tell the others how to route betwhttps://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/editing-helpeen vlans?
default gateway: (currently). vlan 1: (for http access of switches). vlan 2: no IP. vlan 3: no IP.
vlan 9:
vlan 10:
vlan 11: