I have a client that provides an online API service that requires 100% uptime but has been facing connectivity challenges from ISPs.
They started out with one ISP (ISP-A), who of course when there was a fiber cut or the ISP had issues, business went down and my Client's APIs were not available. In frustration they got rid of ISP-A and got another ISP (ISP-B) who offered 2 last mile connections i.e. 2 fiber connections from different ISPs. This worked until ISP-B started having problems of their own.
As I write this, ISP-B is down and we had to get yet another ISP (ISP-C) to provide us with a fixed connection and Static IP addresses and then we had to update the DNS records to reflect the new IPs. We've done this about three times this month and not only are we tired, but the API clients aren't happy.
I've made some research and it seems that there are two ways to solve this.
Retain ISP-B and ISP-C as our two ISPs and subscribe to managed Dynamic DNS service companies who will check for us when ISP-B is down and update our DNS records to point to ISP-C
Second option is to get an AS-Number and have it advertised with two or more ISPs. I gather we have to get an AS-Number from Afrinic (business is located in Africa) who run the service on behalf of ARIN and there is an annual subscription fee? I gather we also might be required to buy specialized equipment to support the BGP stuff?
What is the best option to take in this scenario considering complexity, cost and the fact that its a small business without the capacity to hire experienced network architects. When I talk to the ISPs they aren't really providing me with the best solution and seems they have vested sales interests. For example do ISPs charge to carry my AS-Number on their networks or do I only have to pay for bandwidth services. For Dynamic DNS I don't know which package to get as most websites are overly complicated and I am not sure which service I need really.
The only requirement is to ensure that the APIs are accessible 24/7 with no downtime attributed to connectivity issues.