I'm configuring my first Cisco product (WS-C3560CX-12TC-S) and trying to get to grips with aaa. I'm used to *nix where the first thing you do with headless devices is enable and configure SSH access with public-key authn, using local user accounts for authz.

Given Cisco support seems absolutely useless until you give them your first born I ended up using "Express Setup" until I could telnet in, from which point I tried to work out what that did using IOS CLI.

Right now I'm trying to nail the authentication. I have the following setup for aaa, ...

Switch#show running-config aaa
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authorization exec default local
aaa authorization network default local
username admin privilege 15 password 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
aaa new-model
aaa session-id common

... and I have run ...

Switch(config)#crypto key generate rsa
Switch(config)#ip ssh time-out 60
Switch(config)#ip ssh authentication-retries 2

... so I can SSH fine.

Now I'm looking at show aaa method-lists authentication to make sure I understand what I have configured and I can't make sense of AAA_ML_AUTHEN_DOT1X.

Switch#show aaa method-lists authentication
authen queue=AAA_ML_AUTHEN_LOGIN
  name=default valid=TRUE id=0 :state=ALIVE : LOCAL
authen queue=AAA_ML_AUTHEN_PPP
authen queue=AAA_ML_AUTHEN_SGBP
authen queue=AAA_ML_AUTHEN_ARAP
authen queue=AAA_ML_AUTHEN_DOT1X
  name= pvt_authen_0 valid=TRUE id=56000002 :state=DEAD : SERVER_GROUP  private_sg-0
authen queue=AAA_ML_AUTHEN_8021X
permanent lists
  name= Permanent Enable None valid=TRUE id=0 :state=ALIVE : ENABLE  NONE
  name= Permanent Enable valid=TRUE id=0 :state=ALIVE : ENABLE
  name= Permanent None valid=TRUE id=0 :state=ALIVE : NONE
  name= Permanent Local valid=TRUE id=0 :state=ALIVE : LOCAL
  name= Permanent rcmd valid=TRUE id=0 :state=ALIVE : RCMD

Where might private_sg-0 have come from? Why might it have been created? I have a record of what I've done and I certainly haven't typed that in or (knowingly) chosen to configure any RADIUS servers (I don't have the need for them AFAICT).

Switch#show radius server-group all
Server group radius
    Sharecount = 1  sg_unconfigured = FALSE
    Type = standard  Memlocks = 1

Have I gone wrong somewhere?

And if you fancy a more comprehensive answer: how far am I of having "a single database of local users for SSH with public-key auth configured"? Any tips to achieve this config on IOS?

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    – Ron Maupin
    Commented Apr 1, 2018 at 20:18

1 Answer 1


You have't gone wrong. That's the expected output for an IOS device configured for local authentication. The "private_sg-0" just means it's a server group local to the device.

I'm not 100% clear on the remainder of your question, though - is your desire setting up a list of local users on this device with associated public keys to allow key-based logins, or a central repository of keys for multiple devices?

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