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Questions tagged [api]

For questions about application programming interfaces (API) in relation to networking equipment. For instance, you have problems accessing a management API on your Router or Firewall.

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Restconf not getting switchport vlan information

I have a couple of catalyst switches which I'm experiencing an interesting issue using APIs not pulling all the information I need. The switches are running IOS-XE 17.6.3, but I have also seen the ...
speirsington's user avatar
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CISCO Meraki - Endpoint API: Get Network Traffic 'sent' and 'received' values

I'm currently developing a Python script with API endpoints, specifically get_network_traffic. My only question is what unit of measure is being used for the returned 'sent' and 'received' values, KB?,...
grand2019's user avatar
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Unable to use HTTPS Managment "API" on Cisco ASA 9.12

After upgrading a Cisco ASA to code version 9.12(1)3, I am unable to reach the HTTPS management interface, which we use for many automation tools. Example curl that is functional in prior code (9.8 ...
Brett Lykins's user avatar
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